Frequently Asked Question

How do I coordinate a conference call at the College of Law
Last Updated 9 years ago

We have two permanent conference call spaces—Room 4113 and Room 5607. The phones are simple to use (you can dial out or receive calls), and the sound quality is great. In order to schedule a conference call, you will need to reserve the room using the Outlook Calendar (or ask your faculty support person to reserve the room for you). The rooms with conference calling capabilities are:

Room 4113 (phone number: 801-581-5797)
Room 5607 (phone number: 801-581-5556)

If one of these rooms is not available for your conference call, there is a third phone that can be set up in a room of your choosing (you still need to schedule the meeting on the Outlook Calendar). You can submit a Help Ticket to to coordinate having the phone set up in a different room.

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