Frequently Asked Question

What Software do we use for Exams and where do I go to install it?
Last Updated 3 years ago

The College of Law uses two separate software methods for online examinations. 

The Law Registrar will notify all students when their perspective exams are available, and which platform they will be in. Attempting to install or download the exam software prior to this notification will not prove successful as each exam client will not populate until the exam is published. 

The first exam portal will be found within your courses in canvas found here: 
Canvas exams will require an internet connection to be present during the duration of the exam submission. Exams taken through Canvas do not autosave so be careful in navigating away from the exam during the exam timeframe. 

The second exam portal will be found here: selecting "utahlaw" as the institution. 
Examsoft by examplify has several exam modes which may limit internet or application access as selected by the Professor. The product will autosave the exam progress every 30 seconds in case of a computer error or failure. A caution that exams delivered via examsoft are often super battery intensive, so make sure to have your powercord with you and connected for any examsoft exams. 

Make sure to read all instructions provided by the Law Registrar when the exam period is slated to begin. 

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